Clinical Exercise Classes at Blackwood Physiotherapy

What is a Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disability.

How many sessions will I need?

This varies between individual conditions but the Physio will be able to give you an idea of the time that might be necessary to resolve the problem at the initial visit.

How long do appointments go for?

Initial and subsequent consults are 30 minutes. if you require a longer appointment please ask when making a booking.

How much is the cost of a consultation?

Please visit our Fees page for an indication of what charges might apply to you.

Can my problem be helped with Physiotherapy?

Our reception staff are familiar with most conditions which are managed by our Physios. If unsure, they will check with the Physio at the time of your enquiry to ensure that your condition can be appropriately managed by physiotherapy.

Do I need a Doctors referral to visit a physiotherapist?

If you are a private patient, you do not need a referral to be treated by our physiotherapists. Workers compensation, Veteran Affairs, Medicare EPC (Enhanced Primary Care Plan) Patients and Motor Vehicle Accident will require a Doctors referral prior to being assessed and treated by our Physiotherapists.

Can I claim a rebate of physiotherapy treatment with private health insurance?

Yes if you have extras cover with your private health insurer you can claim part of the cost. The Blackwood Physiotherapy practice is connected to HICAPS which enables you to only pay the gap at the time of your visit. Each health fund is different and gives different amounts as a rebate on your total fee, so please contact your fund to get an estimate of coverage.


Caroline Bonnel - Physiotherapist at Blackwood Physio


Spinal conditions, Musculoskeletal conditions, Sports injuries, Dry Needling and Women’s Health

Consulting Days/Times:
Mon 8.30am – 3.00pm
Tues 8.30am – 3.00pm
Thurs 10.00am – 6.00pm
Sat 8.30am – 11.30am

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Nathan Rowlands - Blackwood Physiotherapy


Sports Injuries, Musculoskeletal conditions, Exercise prescription, Dry Needling, Clinical Exercise programs, Personal Training

Consulting Days/Times:
Mon 10:30am – 6:00pm
Tue 8:30am – 12:00pm
Wed 8:30am – 2:30pm
Thur 8:30am – 6.00pm
Fri 11:30am – 5.00pm
Sat 8.30am – 12:00pm (alt weeks)

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Kendall Gleeson - Blackwood Physiotherapy


Musculoskeletal and sporting injuries, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Dry Needling, Spinal conditions, Pelvis dysfunction, Vertigo, Clinical Exercise programs

Consulting Days/Times:
Wed 9am – 2.30pm
Fri 9am – 5pm

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Simon Ebert - Blackwood Physiotherapy


Sports and Musculoskeletal Injuries, Spinal conditions, Orthopaedics, Headaches, Vertigo, Dry Needling

Consulting Days/Times:
Mon 1pm – 6pm
Tues 8am – 6pm
Wed 1.30pm – 6.30pm
Thurs 8am – 6pm
Fri 8am – 2pm

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