Determining the nature of work usually done by the injured patient, specific exercise programs are developed and are carried out in our exercise gym under supervision. Work Conditioning programs are designed to be work specific and address strengthening the body to enable it to cope with the particular physical stresses of each individual’s work. These programs are most beneficial in facilitating successful return to work and reducing the likelihood of re-injury once the injured worker has returned to normal work duties.

What is Work Conditioning?

Work conditioning is an individualised program designed to help clients regain their core functions. This includes functional abilities, mobility, power, strength, endurance and motor control. Work conditioning provides a important step in the process of returning to work. The goals of the program are to restore the clients’s physical capacity and functional abilities, prevent the same injury reoccurring, and decrease anxiety of the ability to successfully return to work.

Who can benefit

It’s often clients professions that involve: pushing, pulling, crouching, lifting, bending, sitting, or twisting that benefit most. However it also aims to correct posture related injuries that are found in reasonably sedentary workplaces.

  • Police Officers
  • Firefighters
  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Nurses
  • Mechanics
  • Construction Workers
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Painters
  • Delivery Drivers
  • Office employees
  • Chefs
  • Hospitality workers
  • Any other labor-intensive professionals

Work Conditioning – Exercise Rehabilitation for WorkCover & CTP Injuries?

Blackwood Physiotherapies focus is on assisting injured workers return to work. By understand the impact that the injury is having on your capacity to engage in work and other meaningful activities we can develop a functional restoration program.

We encourage clients take an active role in their recovery. We provide clients with the education and practical skills to assist in their long-term self-management of injury and activities.

Who can refer?

  • GP, specialist, allied health, employer, insurer or rehabilitation provider.
Work Conditioning